History of NDIA

On March 1, 1997, the National Security Industrial Association (NSIA) merged with the American Defense Preparedness Association (ADPA), and the merged organization was renamed the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) to reflect the equal contributions of both associations to the merger and to preserve the identity and reputation of each. The merger of these two associations reflects the continuing support for an innovative and vigilant national defense and demand for greater efficiency within the defense industry and the government defense agencies.

American Defense Preparedness Association

Brigadier General Benedict Crowell, realizing that there needed to be a method of involving industry with national defense, founded the Army Ordnance Association in 1919.  Its goal was industrial preparedness, both in peacetime and in time of war. In 1948, its name was changed to American Ordnance Association to reflect the changes brought about by the establishment of the Department of Defense. At that time, the Association broadened its technical coverage and activities to include material and interests of all Services.

On January 1, 1965, the Armed Forces Chemical Association and the American Ordnance Association merged and continued as the American Ordnance Association. The Association continued to broaden its technical competence to encompass the changing complex technology and management needs of the modern military forces.

To reflect its expanded interests and capabilities more adequately the name of the Association was changed to American Defense Preparedness Association on July 1, 1973.  The American Defense Preparedness Association (ADPA) was a national organization dedicated to fostering progress in science, engineering, education, and management for the national defense. It was a nonpolitical and nonprofit-making organization dedicated to preparedness for the common defense and national security. Its principal missions were to increase weapons technology, improve defense management, and maintain a strong science-industry-defense team continually responsive to all needs of the development, production, logistics, and management phase of national preparedness.

On April 4, 1974, with the merger of the Armed Forces Management Association into the American Defense Preparedness Association, the capabilities to promote better management techniques and procedures throughout the defense agencies and industry were increased.

On November 1, 1992, the National Training Systems Association merged with ADPA. The merger was a reflection of the consolidation occurring in the defense industry in response to the end of the Cold War.

National Security Industrial Association

The National Security Industrial Association was a national association of industrial, research, legal, and educational organizations of all sizes and from all segments of industry related to the national security.

Founded in 1944 as the Navy Industrial Association, it was not-for-profit, non-political and was established to foster a close working relationship and effective two-way communication between government, primarily defense, and the industry which supports it.

The Association’s province was the business and technical aspects of the government-industry relationship encompassing government policy and practice in the entire acquisition process, including research and development, procurement, logistics support, and many technical areas.

With the creation of the Department of Defense, the Association broadened its scope and in 1949 its name was officially changed to the National Security Industrial Association.

Concerned with industry’s contributions to national security, NSIA provided an effective forum for the exchange of ideas and information between its corporate members and government agencies through a network of committees, chapters, national meetings and conferences, and visits to Department of Defense installations.