Jeremy Cote

Fall 2024 Integrated Program Management Division Forum : Committee Reports
Jeremy Cote has over 20 years of experience in Program Controls and Earned Value Management Consulting. He started his career on the Zumwalt Destroyer program at Raytheon managing various IPT schedules and then became the Master Program Planner on the Dual Band Radar and UEWR Programs. He was the Master Program Planner for the EMALS program at General Atomics where he was an integral member of the team that lead the EVMS Certification for General Atomics EMS Division. He then led the proposal Cost and Schedule volumes as well as the subsequent contract award, for the DTRA T705 Program to develop novel therapeutics for Influenza. This effort involved implementing an Earned Vale Management System (EVMS) from scratch for MediVector and major subcontractor PPD, achieving a DCMA EVMS System Validation in 2013.
Jeremy then led the ClearPlan team supporting Raytheon IIS in Aurora, Colorado supporting the GPS OCX Program. Jeremy functioned in many roles, helping the program through 2 Over Target Baseline’s/Over Target Schedules (OTB/OTS), including the 2016 Nunn-McCurdy breach. He won several awards from Raytheon for his contributions to the Program and the Business. After GPS, he supported several classified contracts with a focus on novel approaches to integrating Agile into EVMS, including capacity Agile on multi-threaded mission programs.
Jeremy now manages a large, dispersed team in Colorado, Utah and Arizona, and several clients and associates in other locales. He continues to focus on managing and mentoring associates and focusing on regional and national business development for ClearPlan. He is a member of several local and national organizations, including CPM, INSA, NDIA – Rocky Mountain Chapter, and AIAA.