2024 Missile Defense Conference and Ronald Reagan Missile Defense Award Ceremony

4/16/2024 - 4/17/2024
Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20004
Theme : Missile Defense in an Era of Strategic Competition
Event Type : Conference
Produced in partnership the Missile Defense Agency (MDA), the 2024 Missile Defense Conference is THE nationally-focused classified annual gathering of prominent policymakers, military leaders, experts, and industry professionals focused on the critical issue of missile defense. In today's rapidly evolving global security landscape, strategic competition has become a defining feature. Attendees can expect to learn the latest breaking missile defense news on the following topics:
- Developing & Strengthening Cooperative Missile Defense Ties with Allies & Partners
- Building a Smarter, Faster, More Effective Missile Defense System
- 21st Century Missile Defense Threats and Opportunities
With the proliferation of advanced missile technologies and the emergence of new actors on the world stage, the need for effective missile defense systems has never been more pressing.
Please note, Wednesday, April 17 is classified at the SECRET level. Press and foreign nationals are welcome to attend Tuesday, April 16 ONLY.
NDIA has a policy of strict compliance with federal and state antitrust laws. The antitrust laws prohibit competitors from engaging in actions that could result in an unreasonable restraint of trade. Consequently, NDIA members must avoid discussing certain topics when they are together – both at formal association membership, board, committee, and other meetings and in informal contacts with other industry members: prices, fees, rates, profit margins, or other terms or conditions of sale (including allowances, credit terms, and warranties); allocation of markets or customers or division of territories; or refusals to deal with or boycotts of suppliers, customers or other third parties, or topics that may lead participants not to deal with a particular supplier, customer or third party.
Andrew Peters(703) 247-2572
Ms. Britt Sullivan CMP
(703) 247-2587