CAPT Andrew Campen, USCG
C5ISC Chief Engineering Support Division
U.S. Coast Guard C5I Industry Day : Engineering Services Division (ESD) Presentation
Captain Andrew Campen assumed the role as the C5I Service Center’s Chief of Engineering Support Division in 2022, after serving as Chief of C5I and Security for the Coast Guard Atlantic Area (LANT-6) since 2019. His work at LANT-6 was highlighted by COVID-19 that impacted the potential success of all Coast Guard missions. He advocated for remote work collaboration tools, policy, and implemented capabilities to enable the workforce as the missions continued.
Captain Campen is a 1997 graduate of the SUNY Maritime College where he was selected for the USCG Maritime Reserve Training Program in his freshman year. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science-Meteorology and Oceanography and received his active-duty commission through Maritime Academy Reserve Graduate (MARGRAD) program.
After a tour in Maritime Inspections in Morgan City Louisiana, he attended the Navy Postgraduate School for Information Systems Management in 2000. After receiving a Master of Science in 2002, he transferred to Coast Guard Headquarters where he managed commercial and military satellite programs. While there, he devised a way to use satellite communications to provide secure message traffic services for the cutters deployed to CENTCOM. In recognition of his accomplishments, he received the Copernicus Award. In 2006, he assumed the Engineering Officer position at CAMSPAC in Pt. Reyes, and a year later fleeted up to Executive Officer.
In 2010, he attended the US Army’s Command and General Staff School and focused his studies on military strategy and leadership development while receiving Joint Professional Military Education-1. After graduation, he assumed the role of Infrastructure Support and Information Assurance Branch Chief at the Joint Interagency Task Force (JIATF) South - J6. While there he stood up JIATF South’s first Cyber Operations and Planning cell.
In 2013, he was assigned as Commanding Officer CAMSLANT, and orchestrated its transition to the Communications Command (COMMCOM). During this challenging assignment, he decommissioned six separate communications stations and partnered closely with the Deployable Specialized Forces community to better support deployed security and response operations. In 2016, he transferred to the Atlantic Area Command as the Deputy for C5I and Security. Two years later he was selected for Senior Service School and in 2019, graduated from the College of Information and Cyberspace at the National Defense University with a Master of Science.
Captain Campen is married to the former Mary Rebecca Crockett of Indianapolis, IN. They have two children, Zachary (17) and Lauren (14).