COL Leon Rogers, USA
Project Manager, Combat Ammunition Systems
2024 Munitions Executive Summit : PM Acquisition Panel
COL Rogers hails from Chicago, Illinois. In 1996, he enlisted in the Illinois National Guard as an 88M Truck Driver and served with the 634th Forward Support Battalion while completing undergraduate studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He matriculated to Eastern Illinois University, where he enrolled in ROTC and received his Masters of Business Administration and commission as an Armor Officer in August 1999.
In 2000, COL Rogers was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 34th Armor Regiment at Fort Riley, Kansas, where he served as a Tank Platoon Leader, Tank Company Executive Officer, and HHC Executive Officer. He then went to Korea, where he served as the Assistant S3-Plans with the 2d Aviation Brigade, Squadron Maintenance Officer, Comanche Troop Commander, and HHT Commander in the 4th Squadron 7th Cavalry Regiment, “Garryowen!”
In 2006, he was accessed into the Acquisition Corps and is currently certified as Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) Level III in Contracting and Level III in Program Management. As an Acquisition Officer, he has served as the Contracting Management Officer for the 641st Contingency Contracting Team (CCT) with ACC Kuwait, and as a Team Leader for the 620th CCT co-located with Army Contracting Command (ACC) Rock Island supporting OIF and OEF, which stood up the Joint Reach back Contracting Cell for Joint Contracting Command – Iraq/Afghanistan. He also deployed in 2011 – 12 to Qatar, where he established Theater Contracting Center, USCENTCOM Joint Theater Support Contracting Command, and served as its Chief of Contracting.
In 2012, COL Rogers transitioned to ACC Redstone Arsenal in Alabama. There he served as a warranted Contracting Officer for the Apache 64E ACAT1 Program. His assigned duties focused on Foreign Military Sales and Full-Rate Production efforts. He then became a Division Chief of Contracting for Unmanned Aircraft Systems, where he provided contracting support to the Project Management Office for the Shadow, Hunter, Warrior, One System Remote Terminal (OSRVT), Raven, and other supporting equipment. COL Rogers completed this tour as the Executive Officer to the ACC’s Commanding General.
In 2015, COL Rogers was assigned to the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Washington D.C., where he served as the Branch Chief of Operations and Plans for the Operational Contract Support Division in the Directorate of Logistics. In May 2017, COL Rogers took command as the Director of Contracting, Battalion Commander, of the Regional Contracting Center Qatar. This office supported the U.S. Central Command operational missions by providing effective and responsive contracting support to Army Support Garrison Qatar, operations in UAE, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, U.S. Army Central Command, and various Joint and Multi-National Forces operating throughout the U.S. Central Command’s joint operations area. After command, COL Rogers was assigned as the ACoS, G4/Program Integrator to the Arlington National Cemetery, where he is responsible for the life-cycle management and oversight of $173 Million of Cemetery Expenses Army funds, as well as lead business advisor/consultant to the 3-Star equivalent Executive Director of Arlington National Cemetery/Army National Military Cemeteries. COL Rogers recently completed an assignment to the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology) (ASA(ALT)) as the Executive Officer to the ASA(ALT). The ASA(ALT) organization continuously modernizes the U.S. Army through the timely development and delivery of over-match capability to deter adversaries and win our Nation’s wars. Following this assignment, COL Rogers took command of PMCAS in July 2022.
COL Rogers also holds an M.S. in Management of Information Systems from the Florida Institute of Technology and an M.S. in National Security and Resource Strategy from the Eisenhower School of National Security and Resources Strategy. COL Rogers is a graduate of the Joint and Combined Warfighter School, and the Joint Logistics Course. His decorations include the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, and the Meritorious Service Medal (silver oak leaf cluster and oak leaf cluster), the Army Commendation Medal (two oak leaf clusters), Joint Service Achievement Medal, the Army Achievement Medal (three oak leaf clusters), and the Joint Staff Badge and Army Staff Badge. COL Rogers’s wife of 22 years, Latrease, and their sons, Leon III (17) and Landon (12), reside in Stafford, VA.
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