Russ Rodewald

Russ Rodewald

Raytheon Technologies
Senior Director, Enterprise Earned Value Service
2024 Integrated Program Management Division Tools and Services Forum

As the Senior Director of Enterprise Earned Value for Raytheon Technologies, I am responsible for development, implementation, and use of the Raytheon EVMS policy across the company.  In fulfilling that role I am charged to establish and maintain EVM procedures and policy instructions; direct and coordinate a consistent surveillance approach; and resolve any material and/or Raytheon level EVMS issues. Prior to joining Raytheon, I served as the Director, Earned Value Management Center for DCMA.  In this role, I was a key advisor in the overall management of DoD programs with specific responsibility for Earned Value Management Systems oversight for the department.  During that time, I also served in a temporary assignment as the deputy director for the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) Performance Assessment and Root Cause Analysis (PARCA) division now known as Acquisition, Analytics, and Policy (AAP).  In this capacity, I was the functional lead and focal point for all policy, guidance, and competency relating to Earned Value Management across the Department of Defense.  I have held various other US Government agency roles, as well as serving as the CEO/CFO of a start-up commercial manufacturing company.  Although I have a shorter tenure than many in Defense acquisition, my experience in operations and finance prior to joining the defense and aerospace industry has shaped my approach to program management giving me a perspective that drives towards efficiency. By leveraging my broad operational experience, my desire is to promote program management approaches that provide stakeholders timely and insightful information through cost effective and efficient processes.

During my tenure, I worked on teams to develop and write the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation (DFARS) 234.201 update, Earned Value Management System Implementation Guide (EVMSIG), DCMA DECM Risk metrics, and DCMA CAR policy.  I currently serve as a member of the NDIA IPMD Board of Directors and co-lead the Clearinghouse Working Group.  I have supported industry efforts to shape program management policy through direct engagements with Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Dyke Weatherington.  A more recent engagement includes drafting a position paper supported by the Aerospace Industrial Association (AIA) and Acquisition Reform Working Group and presented to the House Armed Service Committee (HASC) in opposition to the proposed change in standards away from the EIA-748.

I earned an MBA in Business Management from the University of CA, Irvine, a BS in Industrial Engineering from Cal Poly SLO, and a BA in Engineering Management from Claremont McKenna College.