Lt Gen Donald Wetetkam, USAF (Ret)
University of Oklahoma
Brock Executive in Residence
Brock Executive in Residence
38th Annual National Logistics Forum : Breakout Session - Oklahoma
38th Annual National Logistics Forum : Breakout Session - Oklahoma
Lt. Gen. Donald J. Wetekam is Deputy Chief of Staff for Installations and Logistics, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C. General Wetekam is responsible to the Chief of Staff for leadership, management and integration of Air Force civil engineering, security forces, logistics readiness, supply, transportation, and aircraft and missile maintenance, as well as setting policy and preparing budget estimates that reflect enhancements to productivity, combat readiness and quality of life for Air Force people. In addition to these responsibilities, he is currently serving as Chairman, Army and Air Force Exchange Service Board of Directors.General Wetekam entered the Air Force in June 1973 after graduating from the U.S. Air Force Academy. A career logistics officer, the general has commanded three maintenance squadrons, a logistics group and a logistics center. He has served staff tours at both major command and Air Staff levels. He holds a master maintenance badge, a basic parachutist rating, and is the only general officer in Air Force history qualified to wear the explosive ordnance disposal badge.
- Atwood, George
- Benton, Chris
- Bromberg, Matthew
- Coffman, James
- Conley, Lansen
- Diller, Nate
- Epps, Kenneth
- Faulkner, Mark
- Gaudette, Kevin
- Gray, Alex
- Grimsley, James
- Hackler, Brian
- Hamilton, Charles
- Hawkins, Stacey
- Hurry, Linda
- Jablon, Jeffrey
- Jacob, Jamey
- Kent, James
- Kerner, Carrie
- Kirkwood, Lea
- Kosinski, Leonard
- Levy, Lee
- Lowman, Chris
- McGinn, Jerry
- Michienzi, Christine
- Milller, Tom
- Naguy, Debora
- Nestor, Don
- Noble, Doug
- O'Brien, Robert
- Panzenhagen, Kristin
- Poole, Forrest
- Pugh, Adam
- Reventlow, Keith
- Roberts, Adarryl
- Sampels, Kevin
- Sharpsten, Chris
- Sick, Jeff
- Smith, Lisa
- Smith, Hopper
- Smith-Carroll, Amy
- Stitt, Kevin
- Sullivan, John
- Trinque, Derek
- Tuck, Giovanni
- Wetetkam, Don
- Woulfe, Justin