Maj Gen Linda Hurry, USAF
Air Force Materiel Command
Vice Commander
Vice Commander
38th Annual National Logistics Forum : Senior Women in Logistics Panel
38th Annual National Logistics Forum : Senior Women in Logistics Panel
Maj. Gen. Linda S. Hurry is the Director of Logistics, Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, the Pentagon, Arlington, Virginia. She is responsible for organizing, training and equipping more than 201,000 logisticians who maintain and support mission generation and the aerospace weapons system inventory. She provides strategic guidance for materiel management, fuels, vehicle management, ground transportation, deployment and distribution, personal property, traffic management, and logistics plans. The general develops policy and oversees force development for logistics readiness, maintenance and munitions, ensuring the readiness of the single largest element of manpower supporting Air Force combat forces globally.Maj. Gen. Hurry graduated from the Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado, in 1991 with a Bachelor of Science in Pre-law and Legal Studies.
She is a joint staff officer who performed duties as a logistics readiness and aircraft maintenance officer at numerous wing, center, major command and combatant command levels. The general served as the Commander of the 635th Supply Chain Operations Wing where she ran the Air Force’s operational supply chains. She also served as the Director of Expeditionary Support for the Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center. Prior to her current position, she was the Commander, Defense Supply Center Richmond and Defense Logistics Agency Aviation, where she oversaw combat logistics and supply chain operations, and management for aviation and nuclear assets across the Department of Defense.
- Atwood, George
- Benton, Chris
- Bromberg, Matthew
- Coffman, James
- Conley, Lansen
- Diller, Nate
- Epps, Kenneth
- Faulkner, Mark
- Gaudette, Kevin
- Gray, Alex
- Grimsley, James
- Hackler, Brian
- Hamilton, Charles
- Hawkins, Stacey
- Hurry, Linda
- Jablon, Jeffrey
- Jacob, Jamey
- Kent, James
- Kerner, Carrie
- Kirkwood, Lea
- Kosinski, Leonard
- Levy, Lee
- Lowman, Chris
- McGinn, Jerry
- Michienzi, Christine
- Milller, Tom
- Naguy, Debora
- Nestor, Don
- Noble, Doug
- O'Brien, Robert
- Panzenhagen, Kristin
- Poole, Forrest
- Pugh, Adam
- Reventlow, Keith
- Roberts, Adarryl
- Sampels, Kevin
- Sharpsten, Chris
- Sick, Jeff
- Smith, Lisa
- Smith, Hopper
- Smith-Carroll, Amy
- Stitt, Kevin
- Sullivan, John
- Trinque, Derek
- Tuck, Giovanni
- Wetetkam, Don
- Woulfe, Justin