Sponsorship Opportunities
Gain exposure and stay ahead of your competition! Taking advantage of sponsorship opportunities is a great way to increase your visibility and promote your product or service.
Questions or have an idea that is not listed below?
Contact Sarah O'Hanley at sohanley@NDIA.org.
Benefits Include:
- Two complimentary conference registrations
- Three-minute welcome introduction at reception
- One complimentary tabletop display
- Sponsor logo and link on event website
- Sponsor logo with company description (350 words) included in conference program or mobile app
- Sponsor logo on promotional signage at reception
- Sponsor logo included in eBlast prior to event
- Podium recognition by NDIA during general session
- Reserved general session seating
- Sponsor logo included on social media platforms (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook)
- Sponsor logo on cocktail napkins at the reception (to be provided by NDIA)
- Sponsor giveaway distributed at opening reception (to be provided by sponsor: e.g. logo-branded cocktail glasses)*
*Sponsor is responsible for the production and timely delivery of optional giveaway
Benefits Include:
- Two complimentary conference registrations
- Three-minute remarks from the sponsor at the end of general session, before breaking for the Networking Reception
- One complimentary tabletop display
- Sponsor logo and link on event website
- Sponsor logo with company description (350 words) included in conference program or mobile app
- Sponsor logo on promotional signage at reception
- Sponsor logo included in eBlast prior to event
- Podium recognition by NDIA during general session
- Reserved general session seating
- Sponsor logo included on social media platforms (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook)
- Sponsor logo on cocktail napkins at the reception (to be provided by NDIA)
- Sponsor giveaway distributed at networking reception (to be provided by sponsor: e.g. logo-branded cocktail glasses)*
*Sponsor is responsible for the production and timely delivery of optional giveaway
REGISTRATION - SOLD to American Rheinmetall Vehicles, LLC
Benefits Include:
- Two complimentary conference registrations
- One complimentary tabletop display
- Sponsor logo and link on event website
- Sponsor logo with company description (350 words) included in conference program or mobile app
- Sponsor logo on promotional signage at registration
- Sponsor logo included in eBlast prior to event
- Podium recognition by NDIA during general session
- Sponsor logo included on social media platforms (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook)
- Sponsor logo on “Thank You to Our Sponsor” banner on registration site
- Sponsor banner with logo on registration confirmation e-mail sent to all attendees
- Sponsor logo on lanyards to be distributed at Registration*
*Sponsor is responsible for the production and timely delivery of the lanyards; otherwise, they can be provided by NDIA at an additional cost.
LUNCH - SOLD to Michelin Defense
Benefits Include:
- Two complimentary conference registrations
- One complimentary tabletop display
- Sponsor logo and link on event website
- Sponsor logo with company description (350 words) included in conference program or mobile app
- Sponsor logo on promotional signage at event
- Sponsor logo included in eBlast prior to event
- Podium recognition by NDIA during general session
- Sponsor literature or promotional item to be made available to attendees during Lunch (sponsor to provide item with NDIA approval)
Benefits Include:
- One complimentary conference registration
- Sponsor logo included on mobile app splash page
- Sponsor graphics on mobile app rotating banner ad
- Sponsor description and URL included within conference program or mobile app
- Sponsor logo included everywhere the app is mentioned
- Sponsor logo and URL on event website
- Sponsor logo on promotional signage at event
- Sponsor logo in eBlast prior to event
BREAKFAST | $5,000 (1 Sold; 1 Still Available)
Tuesday SOLD to Ricardo Defense
Benefits Include:
- One complimentary conference registration
- Sponsor logo and link on event website
- Sponsor logo in conference program or mobile app
- Sponsor logo on promotional signage at event
- Sponsor logo included in eBlast prior to event
- Coffee sleeves with sponsor logo (one color) distributed from coffee stations (provided by NDIA)
NETWORKING BREAK | $4,000 (2 Sold; 1 Still Available)
Tuesday Morning SOLD to NATC; Tuesday Afternoon SOLD to EnerSys
Benefits Include:
- One complimentary conference registration
- Sponsor logo and link on event website
- Sponsor logo in conference program or mobile app
- Sponsor logo on promotional signage at event
- Sponsor logo included in eBlast prior to event
- Sponsor logo on cocktail napkins at the networking break (to be provided by NDIA)
SUPPORTING | SOLD OUT (Limited to 5 Companies)
Sold to Mack Defense, Uptake, SAFT, SAE Government Technologies & Ace Electronics Defense Systems
Benefits Include:
- One complimentary conference registration
- Sponsor logo and link on event website
- Sponsor logo in conference program or mobile app
- Sponsor logo on promotional signage at event
- Sponsor logo included in eBlast prior to event
TECH-10 ADD-ON | SOLD OUT (Limited to 3 Companies)
Sold to SAFT, IMMI & HIAB Government Business Operations
*Must be a participating sponsor or tabletop displayer
Benefits Include:
- A 10-minute presentation opportunity scheduled in the official conference agenda
- Content developed by the sponsor/tabletop displayer
- This is an opportunity to spotlight your company and highlight new technology or services
- Basic AV will be provided – podium, podium microphone, wireless lavalier microphone, screen and projector
- Presentation time will be provided on a first come, first served basis
- Presentation slide decks are allowed but must be received in advance and include NDIA branding
Sarah O'Hanley, CEM
(703) 247-9460