Logistics Management Division August Meeting

8/25/2023 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Event Type : Committee-Division Meeting
Event Code : 3730
The August Meeting of the Logistics Management Division will be held in person at NDIA Headquarters in Arlington, VA on August 25, 2023. If you are unable to attend in person, a virtual registration option is available as well.
Join us to hear from guest speaker BGen Forrest Poole, USMC.
NOTE: This event is closed to press/media.
About NDIA's Logistics Management Division
Through NDIA’s Logistics Management Division, government and industry exchange views and information on all matters relating to logistics support for major Defense Department systems and materiel items. It provides the government with collective industry viewpoints, recommendations and advice on government logistics-support concepts, policies, plans, programs, requirements, technologies, problems, implementation or impact of pending legislation, regulations and procedures. The division conducts special studies, analyses and advisories, as requested, and encourages mutual understanding and effective working relationships between government and industry to ensure efficient and reliable logistics-support concepts and systems that meet government requirements at reasonable costs.