CBRN Requirements – Medical CBRN Research, Development, Test, & Evaluation CBRN Spring Quarterly Forum

  • 4/19/2023 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
  • NDIA
    2101 Wilson Blvd
    Arlington,  Virginia  22201
    United States
  • Event Type : Forum
    Event Code : 330A


This workshop will focus on the research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) processes used to identify medical technologies that can be matured and delivered to the warfighter as effective capabilities to address CBRN threats. Our panel of experts will speak about the priorities for medical programs that focus on CBRN capabilities as well as have experts discuss their role in science, technology, and advance development efforts. The panel will highlight their approaches to rapidly identifying and delivering CBRN medical capabilities along with opportunities to promote more effective government- industry partnerships to support those approaches.”


Kimberly Williams
(703) 247-2578

Carizza Gutierrez
(703) 247-2599

Topics: CBRN