

The National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) welcomes your abstract submission for technical presentations, posters, and/or table-top demonstrations at the 2023 NDIA Human Systems Conference.

This year's theme is “Human Systems Design: From Research to Practice.”

The defense industry has seen a dramatic increase in technological advances in the areas of artificial intelligence and machine learning, wearable sensors, decision support, hybrid teaming, and more. With these advances, critical questions emerge about the role of the human in these sociotechnical systems. Understanding the fundamentals of human systems design is key to optimizing performance of new technology as well as the servicemen and servicewomen equipped with those technologies operating in real-time high-stakes decision making scenarios. As technology evolves, so do human performance dynamics. Research is required for understanding these new dynamics. So too, is an understanding of how those dynamics emerge during practical application, and their consequences. Human systems design is optimized by taking the insights from both research and practice. Practitioners, Program Managers, and S&T leaders are invited to submit brief, high-impact abstracts of technical accomplishments and research-based recommendations relevant to the Human Systems COI topic focus areas described below.

Deadline for submissions: December 5, 2022

Abstract Requirements

  • Abstracts must be unclassified and cleared for public release.
  • Abstracts can be up to 5,000 characters in length.
  • Abstracts should fall into one of the following topic focus areas: Personalized Assessment, Education, and Training (PAE&T), Protection, Sustainment and Warfighter Performance (PS&WP), Systems Interface and Cognitive Processing (SI&CP), and Advocacy and Metrics (A&M). Please visit the respective sub-pages for further explanation. 
  • Posters submissions should outline details of the proposed poster or tabletop demonstration concerning ongoing or completed work.
  • Presentation submissions should focus on completed work that demonstrate high impact results for the community or discuss future efforts or anticipated new developments in Science and Technology in order to foster more dynamic and interactive discussions and help generate visionary ideas and concepts.
  • Demonstration submissions should be of interest to the Human Systems community and relevant to one of the four topic areas. The amount of space and furniture requirements for the demonstration should be included in the abstract.
  • All abstracts will be considered as a potential presentation or poster, unless the authors specify in their submission that they would like their abstract to ONLY be considered for a poster or demonstration.

How to Submit

Upload abstracts here: https://application.ndia.org/abstracts/3350/

An automated confirmation will be sent upon submission. Notifications will be sent electronically January 13, 2023

Please note: Submitting an abstract is a professional commitment. If the abstract is accepted, the Author commits to attend the event in-person and submit their presentations in a timely manner. Authors are responsible for obtaining appropriate public release for their presentations. Approved presentation authors will receive a discount code that will allow authors to register at a discounted rate for the entirety of the 2022 Human Systems Conference.


Contact Tommy Kienzle at tkienzle@ndia.org and Carizza Gutierrez at crosales@ndia.org with questions about your abstract submission.