Chad Jones
Global Government Lead
37th Annual National Logistics Forum
Chad has built a reputation for his Execution and Delivery expertise while also coupling his business development skills to this process as a leader in strategy, capture and sales. His ability to guide teams through this transformative set of stages has created a set of skills capable of achieving success. His skills have been honed by his Industrial Engineering degree, CPIM, MRO and MBB Certifications along with 25+ years of experience in both small and large scale projects – Operational Transformation of Space Shuttle External Tank fabrication and assembly, Infrastructure advancement of the US Army’s Acquisition Program, Enterprise Strategy and Transformation of a Large Federal Agencies Sales and Service System – along with the foundational elements of Strategy, Marketing, Sales and Employee coaching and mentoring. Chad’s drive and sense of accomplishment is the desire that has created his ability to generate Enterprise Value for his clients and deliver results meeting / exceeding expectations.
- Guy Beougher
- RDML George Bresnihan, USN
- Brad Bunn
- Dennis D'Angelo
- Maj Gen Allan Day, USAF (Ret)
- LtGen Mark Faulkner, USMC (Ret)
- Dr. Kevin Gaudette
- RADM Duke Heinz, USN
- Maj Gen Constance Jenkins, USAF
- Will Johnson, Jr., MBA
- Chad Jones
- Logan Jones
- Bruce Kaplan
- Lt Gen Leonard Kosinski, USAF
- Maj Gen Lee Levy, II, USAF (Ret)
- The Honorable Chris Lowman
- Leigh Method, SES
- Dr. Christine Michienzi, Ph.D.
- Matt Milas
- Dan Miller
- Lt Gen Tom Miller, USAF
- RADM Jack Moreau, USN
- The Hon. David L. Norquist
- Wes Norris
- RADM John Polowczyk, USN (Ret)
- BGen Forrest Poole, USMC
- Col Kevin Sampels, USAF (Ret)
- Col Earl Scott, USAF (Ret)
- LTG John Sullivan, USA
- Kenneth Todorov
- Lt Gen Giovanni Tuck, USAF (Ret)
- BG Timothy White, USA
- MG David Wilson, USA