Online Military Vehicle Technology & Mobility (Advanced)

Online Military Vehicle Technology & Mobility (Advanced) course  – 40 hrs


This 40 hour professional development short course provides you with an in-depth study into the engineering science and technology used in the design of modern military combat, logistic and amphibious vehicles. 

Throughout the course, you will learn the technical factors underpinning military land vehicle design and the resultant advantages and disadvantages associated with various mobility technologies.  A series of structured quizzes will assist you to further develop your understand relating to key areas of automotive design, vehicle handling, track vehicle steering, suspension design, and vehicle mobility and terramechanics.

As part of the course, you receive an e-copy of the course folder, course presentation slides, a transcript for each learning module, formula booklet and copies of the course references.

The course is designed to cater for students needing a working level understanding of the fundamental engineering science and technology used in the design of modern military vehicles.  Some basic mathematics and calculator skills are needed during the course.

Student testimonial:

"Overall this is an excellent class.   I have been involved in related tracked platform design work for the last 25 years (plus some wheeled platform design previously).  But this class provided me a comprehensive integrated/organized knowledge base for learning.  It is a wonderful experience and appreciated much!"