Managing for Supply Chain Resilience Course

  • 9/29/2022 - 9/30/2022
  • Virtual
  • Event Type : Course
    Event Code : 2041


Organizations participate in a complex ecosystem of suppliers and consumers. Relationships are predicated on trust (both implicit and verifiable). Decisions made about the supply chain have profound implications for the success or failure of these organizations. Nowhere are the stakes higher than in organizations focused on national defense.

Hosted by NDIA’s Business Institute and Carnegie Mellon University’s Software Engineering Institute, the Managing for Supply Chain Resilience Course will explore the sources and types of supply chain risks and provide practical guidance on how to manage these in alignment with business strategy. The course includes an examination of prominent frameworks and standards (e.g., NIST Special Publication 171 and the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification) and the fundamental tools (e.g., Service Level Agreements, and Software Bill of Materials) required to effectively quantify and manage supply chain risk.  No prior technical cybersecurity knowledge or experience is required.    

NDIA has a policy of strict compliance with federal and state antitrust laws. The antitrust laws prohibit competitors from engaging in actions that could result in an unreasonable restraint of trade. Consequently, NDIA members must avoid discussing certain topics when they are together – both at formal association membership, board, committee, and other meetings and in informal contacts with other industry members: prices, fees, rates, profit margins, or other terms or conditions of sale (including allowances, credit terms, and warranties); allocation of markets or customers or division of territories; or refusals to deal with or boycotts of suppliers, customers or other third parties, or topics that may lead participants not to deal with a particular supplier, customer or third party.




Mr. Chris Sax
(703) 247-2571

Jennifer Stewart
(703) 247-2595

Kimberly Williams
(703) 247-2578

Managing for Supply Chain Resilience Course