VADM Jeff Trussler, USN
Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare (OPNAV N2/N6)
2022 Undersea Warfare Fall Conference
Vice Adm. Jeff Trussler is a native of Oklahoma and a member of the Cherokee Nation. He graduated from Miami High School (’81 Wardogs), Northeastern Oklahoma A&M Junior College, Oklahoma State University, and the University of Oklahoma. He was commissioned at the Officer Candidate School in Newport, Rhode Island, in 1985. He was also a 2011-2012 Fellow of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Seminar XXI program in Foreign Politics, International Relations and the National Interest.
His previous shore and staff assignments include Submarine Force U.S. Pacific Fleet (COMSUBPAC), U.S. Pacific Fleet (CINCPACFLT) nuclear propulsion examining board (NPEB), two tours at the Navy Personnel Command (NPC), the Joint Staff, and the Navy Staff.
At sea and operational assignments, he served as a division officer on USS Honolulu (SSN 718), engineer officer on USS Tennessee (SSBN 734) and executive officer on USS Columbus (SSN 762). He commanded USS Maryland (SSBN 738) (Blue) and was the first commander of Task Force 69 for the U.S. 6th Fleet in Naples, Italy.
Trussler’s flag assignments were as the first commander, Undersea Warfighting Development Center (UWDC) and as director, Future Plans on the Navy Staff.
Trussler was the recipient of the Naval Submarine League’s Rear Adm. Jack Darby Award for Inspirational Leadership and Excellence in Command for 2006. He is most proud of all of his shipmates on Maryland that went on to senior leadership positions in the Chief’s Quarters and the eight officers that have gone on to their own commands.
He assumed duties as deputy chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare and the 68th director of Naval Intelligence in June 2020.