RADM Scott Pappano, USN
Program Executive Office
2022 Undersea Warfare Fall Conference
Rear Adm. Scott Pappano is a native of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. He is a 1989 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy with a Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering and also holds a Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
At sea, Pappano served onboard USS City of Corpus Christi (SSN 705), USS Albuquerque (SSN 706), USS Michigan (SSBN 727 Gold), and USS Ohio (SSGN 726). He commanded USS Buffalo (SSN 715) while forward-deployed in Guam.
Assignments ashore include duty with Commander, Submarine Development Squadron 12 Tactical Action Group; onboard X-Daniel Webster (MTS 626) at Naval Nuclear Power Training Unit Charleston, South Carolina military assistant to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy; and executive assistant to the Director, Programming Division (N80) on the Navy Staff.
After selection as an acquisition professional, Pappano served in the Special Operations Forces Mobility Program Office (PMS 399); as executive assistant to Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command; and as major program manager for the Strategic and Attack Submarine Program Office (PMS 392).
Pappano was assigned as program executive officer, Columbia in March 2019. His previous flag assignments include commander, Naval Undersea Warfare Center and Director, Comprehensive Test Facility.
Pappano served on teams that have been awarded the Joint Meritorious Unit Award, Navy Unit Commendation, Meritorious Unit Commendation, and the Navy “E” Ribbon.