RADM Doug Perry, USN
Director, Undersea Warfare Division, N97
2022 Undersea Warfare Fall Conference
Rear Adm. Douglas Perry is a 1989 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy. As a Flag Officer, Admiral Perry commanded Submarine Group Nine and Task Group 114.3, and served asdirector, Joint and Fleet Operations, U.S. Fleet Forces Command.
He served at sea as division officer and Navy diver aboard USS Pittsburgh (SSN 720); executive officer/operations officer aboard Submarine NR-1 and executive officer of USS Maine (SSBN 741). His deployment experiences span the Caribbean and Mediterranean, Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic and Pacific. As commanding officer of USS Pasadena (SSN 752), he led the ship on highly successful deployments to the Eastern and Western Pacific.
Perry served as, commander, Submarine Development Squadron Five where he led Submarine Force development of unmanned systems tactics and employment, and commanded the Navy’s squadron of Seawolf-Class Fast Attack submarines.
Ashore, he served as Submarine Force Atlantic chief of staff, a branch chief for Director Undersea Warfare,on the Joint Staff as combatant commander Joint Exercise Engagement division chief and subsequent chief of staff for the Director of Joint Force Development; executive assistant to Commander, Submarine Forces Pacific Fleet; deputy commander, Submarine Squadron 7; congressional liaison in the Navy Office of Legislative Affairs and Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps instructor at Marquette University.
Perry is currently serving as director, Undersea Warfare Division, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (N97).