LTG Thomas Todd III, USA
Deputy Commanding General, Acquisition and Systems, Chief Innovation Officer
2022 Future Force Capabilities Conference and Exhibition
LTG Todd serves as the Deputy Commanding General, Acquisition and Systems, and the Chief Innovation Officer of Army Futures Command. In this executive role he is responsible for technology integration and capabilities development in the Army's research laboratories and centers.
He previously served at the executive level in numerous roles: Special Assistant for Acquisition and Systems Management to the Commanding General, U.S. Army Materiel Command, Program Executive Officer for Army Aviation, Deputy Commanding General of Research, Development and Engineering Command, Senior Commander of Natick Soldier Systems Center, and Modernization Advisor to the Director, Army Capabilities Integration Center.
LTG Todd led Army and Joint programs at all echelons, delivering advanced capabilities to Soldiers, joint services, other government agencies, and over 60 foreign allied nations. He developed and delivered advanced capabilities CH-47F, H-60M, H-60V, AH-64E, Improved Turbine Engine, MQ-1C Gray Eagle ER, UH-72 Lakota, EMARSS-E, and the Black Hawk Aircrew Trainer. His joint assignments include: Defense Contract Management Agency Special Programs Multi-Service Team, Chief of Contracts, Joint Task Force Bravo, Honduras. Operationally, he served with A Co 3/501st Aviation Regiment in the Republic of Korea and 4th Squadron, 6th Cavalry Brigade, Fort Hood, TX.
LTG Todd is a 1989 graduate of The Citadel. He is an honor graduate of the Army’s Initial Entry Rotary Wing training and a graduate of the Kiowa and Black Hawk Maintenance Test Pilot courses. He holds Masters of Science degrees in Contract Management and Strategic Studies from the Florida Institute of Technology and the U.S. Air War College, respectively.
His awards and badges include the Legion of Merit (2 Oak Leaf Cluster), the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal, the Joint Service Commendation Medal and other Army and joint commendations and awards. He is an Air Assault graduate and a Senior Army Aviator, rated in the UH-1 Iroquois, OH-58 A/C Kiowa, UH-60 A/L/M Black Hawk and CH-47 D/F Chinook.
LTG Todd resides in Austin, Texas with his wife. They have three children and one grandchild.