Ivan Bembers
EVM Focal Point
Fall 2022 Integrated Program Management Division Meeting
Mr. Bembers is the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) Earned Value Management (EVM) Focal Point in the Cost and Acquisition Assessment Group (CAAG). He is responsible for leading effective use of Earned Value Management (EVM) across the agency, facilitating Integrated Baseline Reviews, implementing agile and EVM integration best practices, performing independent assessments, as well as conducting EVM system implementation reviews. Over the last several years, he has led the development and completion of new research standardizing enterprise schedule analysis methods with data science for early warning analysis of program schedule delays requiring critical decision points for program recovery, as well as improved independent schedule risk assessment methods. He has experience serving in EVM leadership roles across the US Intelligence Community for over 20 years. He is a recipient of the 2021 Defense Acquisition Workforce Individual Achievement Award for EVM and the 2021 Intelligence Community Resource and Financial Management Excellence in Innovation Performance Management Award.