NDIA International Division Attaché Roundtable Series

  • 8/24/2022 10:00 - 11:00 am
  • NDIA Headquarters
    2101 Wilson Blvd, Suite 700
    Arlington,  VA  22201
  • Event Type : Roundtable
    Event Code : 247B


The next NDIA International Division Roundtable will feature Major General Hiroyuki Sugai, JASDF, who serves as the Defense and Air Attaché at the Embassy of Japan in the United States.  This Roundtable will be held in-person at at NDIA.  At a time when China is becoming more regionally assertive, the government of Japan is updating its National Defense Strategy, National Defense Program Guidelines, and the next Mid-term Defense Program.  While these documents are not yet finalized, Major General Sugai will give a brief overview of Japan's Defense Programs and Defense Architecture; some policy matters, such as, the Ministry of Defense approach to achieving the "Free and Open Indo-Pacific" vision by the late former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe; the significance of the Japan-U.S. security relationship; and the important role of U.S. and Japanese industrial cooperation in that relationship.  The presentation promises to be very informative and will be followed by a Q&A session.

Note: This event is not open to press. 

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Andrew Peters
(703) 247-2572

Ms. Britt Sullivan CMP
(703) 247-2587

Topics: International

NDIA International Division Attaché Roundtable Series
