BG Jeth Rey, USA
Director Cross
JADC2: All Domain Warfare Symposium : Project Convergence and Data Centricity Supporting JADC2
Brigadier General Jeth B. Rey serves as the Director of the Network Cross-Functional Team within Army Futures Command focusing on integrating and modernizing the Army’s network. BG Rey is responsible for the continuous improvement of network, command, control, communications and intelligence to enable mission command across the tactical network. This will enable the speed, range and convergence required to achieve decision dominance and overmatch against near-peer adversaries.
BG Rey previously served as the Director of Command and Control, Communications, and Computer Systems, J6, United States Central Command (USCENTCOM), MacDill Air Force Base, Florida, where he was responsible for the implementation and management of USCENTCOM’s global communications, cybersecurity, and computer networks.
BG Rey is a native of St. Thomas, United States Virgin Islands and has served in Army enlisted, warrant, and officer positions. He received his commission from the Army’s Officer Candidate School and was commissioned into the U.S. Army Signal Corps. He has received three Master’s Degrees including Telecommunications Management, National Security Studies from the Naval War College and Strategic Studies from the United States Army War College.
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- Dr Eliahu Neiwood
- Dr Jonathan Odom
- BG Jeth Rey, USA
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