Jennifer Horner
EVM-CR Deputy Program Manager
Spring 2022 Integrated Program Management (IPM) Division Meeting
Ms. Horner has over 24 years of experience in operations and project management. She spent the first 10 years of her career providing operations and IT support at Travelers Insurance. In 2007 she was hired by Tecolote Research, Inc. to administer OSD’s pilot program, the Earned Value Management – Central Repository (EVM-CR).
She has remained with that program for over 13 years and in her current role as Deputy Program Manager, she acts as a liaison between the OSD customer, service leads, industry focal points and the EVM-CR operations and development teams. Ms. Horner is a member of the College of Performance Management (CPM) as well as the National Defense Industrial Association’s (NDIA) Integrated program Management Division (IPMD) and has attended and presented at their in-person events and webinars as a representative of OSDs Integrated Program Management (IPM) Division.
As the IPM Division’s primary trainer for EVM-CR users, Ms. Horner presents monthly role-based training webinars. These sessions are geared toward individuals new to the environment and cover the basic functionality of the application.
She was a member of the Integrated Program Management Data and Analysis Report (IPMDAR) Data Item Description (DID) adjudication team provided guidance on the development of the new workflow within the EVM-CR to incorporate the new IPMDAR.