Accelerating Commercial Technology into the DoD: Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) Annual Report Brief

  • 3/30/2022 1:00 - 2:30 pm EDT
  • Virtual
  • Event Type : Briefing
    Event Code : 2R04


Embracing and adopting life, cost, and time-saving commercial technology is critical to meet both today and tomorrow’s national security challenges. The Department of Defense (DoD) must continue leveraging acquisition alternatives that facilitate speed, agility, and scaling; buy technologies that exist and only build what is needed; and continue to streamline processes with flexible funding cycles. Doing this will enable DoD to quickly and decisively overcome operational hurdles across all of the strategic domains.

Join Mike Brown, Director, Defense Innovation Unit, and Mike Madsen, Deputy Director and Director of Strategic Engagement, Defense Innovation Unit, for this webinar as they give an overview of the DIU FY2021 Annual Report and answer questions from the audience.


Dr. Arun Seraphin
(703) 522-1820

Kimberly Williams
(703) 247-2578

Accelerating Commercial Technology into the DoD: Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) Annual Report Brief