Tutorial Descriptions
Tutorial Descriptions
Fundamentals of Aircraft Combat Survivability – This tutorial will provide an introduction to the aircraft combat survivability discipline. It is based on the AIAA textbook, The Fundamentals of Aircraft Combat Survivability Analysis and Design, 2nd Edition, by Dr. Robert E. Ball. The instructors will present terminology, concepts, measures, and methodologies to conduct survivability analyses and design of fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft. This tutorial is intended for the newcomer to the survivability discipline or anyone who is interested in understanding the fundamentals. The instructors are Mr. Christopher Adams of the Naval Postgraduate School and Dr. Mark Couch and Dr. Richard Huffman of the Institute for Defense Analyses. They have extensive experience as military aviators and teaching aircraft combat survivability.
Introduction to Aircraft Cyber Combat Survivability – This tutorial will provide an introduction to Aircraft Cyber Combat Survivability (ACCS) as presented in a series of papers published in Aircraft Survivability over the last two years. ACCS was jointly developed by Dr. Ball and Dr. Bryant and takes the fundamentals of Aircraft Combat Survivability and applies them to the area of newly emerging cyber weapons intended to affect aircraft in flight. The instructor will present an introduction to cyber weapons and how cyber weapons function, and will then step through how they can usefully be understood and mitigated under ACCS. The tutorial is intended for non-cyber experts familiar with the basic principles of aircraft design and engineering. The instructor is Dr. Bill "Data" Bryant from Modern Technology Solutions Inc. (MTSI), who has extensive experience in aviation platform and weapon systems cybersecurity.
Introduction to Radar and Infrared Signatures – This tutorial will provide an introduction to Radar Cross Section (RCS) and Infrared Radiation Signature (IRS) from the Aircraft Survivability point-of-view with a focus on propulsion systems. The lecture will begin with the definitions, concepts, terminology, basic equations, and aircraft component contributors to RCS and IR signature. Example calculations of RCS and IRS will be discussed. A description of how RCS and IRS can be measured will be shown. The lecture will conclude with several examples of signature suppression features. This lecture is oriented toward engineers who desire an entry-level overview of aircraft signature, suppression, and susceptibility. More experienced engineers will find the examples and potential solutions interesting. Craig Baucke and Gary Wollenweber are Consulting Engineers at GE Aviation – Cincinnati, OH, and have a combined 82 years of experience in the industry.
Introduction to Hypersonics – This tutorial will provide a brief historical perspective of hypersonic flight and an examination of the fluid flow features that categorize a flow as hypersonic. This course is for anyone who wants to understand the unique challenges of hypersonic flight and its implications for offensive and defensive weapons. The instructor, Dr. Daniel Millman, is the Chief Technology Officer at Stratolaunch. The notes come from numerous sources that were compiled primarily for the Compressible and Hypersonic Flow course Dr. Millman taught at the USAF Test Pilot School.