Dr Emily Doucette

Air Force Research Laboratory Munitions Directorate
Technical Advisor for the Weapon Dynamics, Guidance, Navigation, and Control Branch
Precision Strike Technology Symposium (PSTS-21)

Emily A. Doucette serves as the Technical Advisor for the Weapon Dynamics, Guidance, Navigation, and Control Branch of the Air Force Research Laboratory Munitions Directorate.  Prior to this post, she has served the Munitions Directorate as the Multi-Domain Networked Weapons technical lead (2019-2020), Assistant to the Chief Scientist (2017-2019), and as a research engineer for the Weapon Dynamics and Control Sciences Branch (2012-2019).  She earned a Ph.D. in aerospace engineering from Auburn University and is a recipient of the SMART Scholarship.  Her research interests include estimation theory, human-machine teaming, decentralized task assignment, cooperative autonomous engagement, and risk-aware target tracking and interdiction.  She leads a team of civilians, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate student researchers to support collaborative efforts across DoD, industry, academia, and international partnerships.  She served on the AFRL Munitions Directorate Autonomy Steering Committee, is active in the Autonomy Community of Interest, and is the autonomy lead for Golden Horde, AFRL’s Vanguard Program.