Josh Marcuse
Head of Strategy and Innovation for Global Public Sector
Space Warfighting Industry Forum
Josh Marcuse is the head of strategy and innovation for Global Public Sector at Google Cloud. He leads a team of public sector digital transformation experts who work to solve-real world problems in public health, smart cities, cyber defense, and more for governments around the world.
Previously, Josh served as executive director of the Defense Innovation Board, a group focused on bringing technological and organizational innovation and the business practices of Silicon Valley to the Department of Defense (DoD). He led the Department’s effort to develop and adopt ethical principles for the use of AI; helped establish a center for AI applications; pushed the DoD to move to the cloud and embrace modern software practices; and promoted a culture of entrepreneurship across the workforce. Josh served as innovation advisor to the DoD CTO and also held roles in the Office of Secretary of Defense (OSD) for Policy, Personnel & Readiness, and the Chief Management Officer. Prior to DoD, Josh worked at the Center for Strategic & International Studies, Booz Allen Hamilton, and the Council on Foreign Relations.
Josh is active in several nonprofit organizations, including establishing and co-chairing the Federal Innovation Council at the Partnership for Public Service, and launching the Federal Innovator Network; founding and chairing Young Professionals in Foreign Policy, a global network of emerging leaders; serving on the board of the Defense Entrepreneurs Forum; and serving as a strategic advisor to Schmidt Futures. He is a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a Fellow of the Truman National Security Project.
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- General Hawk Carlisle USAF Ret
- Rachel Cheetham
- Major General Kimberly Crider
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- Bryan Eberhardt
- Senator Cory Gardner
- Rep Denny Heck
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- Jason Knudson
- William A LaPlante PH D
- Wallis Laughrey
- Josh Marcuse
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- Dr Jamie M Morin
- Kevin Morty Mortensen
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- Dr Joel Mozer
- Dr Scott Nowlin
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- Lieutenant General Mark Shackelford USAF Ret
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- Lieutenant General David D Thompson
- Lieutenant General John F Thompson
- Congressman Mike Turner
- Brigadier-General Kevin Whale