Timothy Dare
Deputy Director for Development Test, Evaluation and Prototyping
S&ET Division Webinar
Mr. Timothy S. Dare is the Deputy Director for Developmental Test, Evaluation and Prototyping within the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering. Mr. Dare is the principal advisor on developmental test and evaluation (DT&E) to the Secretary of Defense, Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, and the Director of Defense Research and Engineering for Advanced Capabilities. Mr. Dare is responsible for DT&E policy and guidance in support of the acquisition of major Department of Defense systems, and for providing advocacy, oversight, and guidance to the DT&E acquisition workforce.
Mr. Dare held a senior position for program management and capture at Lockheed Martin Space, overseeing the capture and execution phases of multiple Intercontinental Ballistic Missile programs for the Minuteman III missile.
He served as an Engineering Program Manager for the Integrated Space Command and Control for the North American Aerospace Defense and U.S. Northern Command systems at Cheyenne Mountain. Mr. Dare was the Integration and Test lead focusing on planning, executing, and evaluating the integration and test phases for Missile Warning and Space Situational Awareness systems. He has also been the Engineering Lead/Integration and Test lead on other systems such as the Hubble Space Telescope; international border control systems; artificial intelligence development systems (knowledge-based reasoning); Service-based networking systems for the U.K. Ministry of Defence; U.S. Army Command and Control systems; Space Fence Command and Control; and foreign intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance systems.
As part of the Department’s strategic defense portfolio, he led the development of advanced prototypes in Space Situational Awareness Command and Control (Space Fence), Information Assurance (Single Sign-on), AI systems, and was the sponsoring program manager for Nuclear Command and Control capability development.