S&ET Division Webinar

Science and Engineering Technology
  • 6/22/2020 12:30 - 2:00 PM
  • Virtual
  • Event Type : Webinar
    Event Code : 072D


The Science & Engineering Technology (S&ET) Division's webinars provide a virtual forum for government, industry, and academic collaboration related to science and engineering technology advancements in the defense arena.

Join us as we welcome our featured speakers James Faist, Director of Defense Research and Engineering for Advanced Capabilities and Timothy Dare, Director Developmental Test, Evaluation and Prototyping.

Mr. Faist will provide a DDRE (Advanced Capabilities) Overview to include:

  • USD (Research & Engineering) mission, operational vision
  • DDRE (Advanced Capabilities) Mission and organization

He will also address DDRE (Advanced Capabilities) FY21 Focus Items:

  • Accelerating Electronic Warfare (EW) Dominance
  • Nuclear Modernization Efforts
  • Accelerating Hypersonics Technology Development and Enabling Transition
  • Fully Networked Command, Control, and Communications (FNC3) Development
  • Test and Evaluation (T&E) Infrastructure

Mr. Dare will address the DTEP Global Needs Statement, updating status and future plans for the Solutions Meeting being hosted by DoD's Rapid Reaction Technology Office (RRTO).  This effort is focused in rapid technical innovations that have the potential to provide leap-ahead capabilities against near-peer adversaries and fill gaps in critical joint mission needs no later than 2028.

You can read more about the DTEP Global Needs Statement at BetaSam.gov


Kimberly Williams
(703) 247-2578