NDIA Tennessee Valley Chapter's Small Business Missile Defense Event

5/12/2020 - 5/14/2020 7:00am - 5:00pm
Event Type : Forum
Event Code : C169
Join us for the 2020 NDIA-TVC Missile Defense Agency Small Business Programs Conference in Huntsville, AL, from May 12 – 14. The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP)—in partnership with the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) Tennessee Valley Chapter (TVC) and Women in Defense (WID TVC)—presents the 21st Annual Small Business Programs Conference.
The MDA Small Business Programs Conference is designed to assist Small Business contractors in doing business with MDA by providing information about opportunities to support the Missile Defense System requirements in upcoming procurements and provide matchmaking with MDA Prime Contractors, Government Representatives, and networking with other Small Businesses.
This year's conference will feature a 3-day agenda that includes a day dedicated to matchmaking. Last year, the conference sold out two weeks in advance, so please register early to reserve your spot!
You may register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ndia-tvc-2020-missile-defense-agency-small-business-programs-conference-registration-85794811591
*Please note: This event is closed to the press.
Matchmaking sessions will be held where you will be able to schedule a session with MDA and other government representatives and large Industry prime contractors. Sign up will open prior to the conference. Registered attendees will get an email with the Matchmaking registration link.
Early Bird Registration Bonus! (Ends April 1, 2020) CHECK ELIGIBILITY BELOW!
To be eligible, the small business must register for the conference during the early bird registration period ending April 1, 2020, be registered in SAM.gov, be registered in the MDA electronic Small Business Information Exchange (eSBIE) and must able to provide a capabilities statement. The first 24 small businesses to register AND meet the offer requirements will be given a pitch slot. All small businesses that check the box requesting an elevator pitch slot and register by April 1, 2020, will be on deck to pitch if time becomes available (if a company is not present for their slot or a speaker runs short.)
This is a great opportunity for government representatives, prime contractors, and potential teaming partners to know who you are! Check the Elevator Pitch box when you complete your registration by April 1, 2020, to be considered for this opportunity.
Small businesses who check the Elevator Pitch box will be considered for a pitch time. They will have 60 seconds to introduce their business and highlight their capabilities to the entire general session. To be eligible, the small business must register for the conference during the early bird registration period ending April 1, 2020, be registered in SAM.gov, be registered in the MDA electronic Small Business Information Exchange (eSBIE) and must able to provide a capabilities statement. After the registration is received, the MDA OSBP will follow up with eligible companies to collect the capabilities statement and go over pitch guidelines.
Cancellations and substitutions must be made in writing via email to ndia.tennvalleychapter@gmail.com. Cancellations received by May 1, 2020, will receive a refund, minus a $25 cancellation fee. No refunds will be given for cancellations received after May, 2020. Substitutions are welcome in lieu of cancellations.