This event is classified at the SECRET//NOFORN level. All attendees must be U.S. Citizens holding a secret clearance or higher to attend.
For JPAS clearance requests at the collateral level, please submit the following information:
SMO Code: 5D1916
Date(s): April 14 – 15, 2020
Point of Contact: Kurt Chankaya
Reason for Visit: Meeting
Additional Information: 2020 Precision Strike Annual Review (PSAR-20)
If your company/organization is unable to send clearances in JPAS, then please fax a visit request with the following information to the Security Office at (703) 413-5938:
- Name and Job title/Position
- Social Security Number
- Date and place of birth
- Citizenship
- Level and date of clearance
- Name and contact information of the LM event host (Kurt Chankaya)
- Purpose and justification of visit to include meeting dates
- Company address information
- Name and signature of Security POC from the sending company/organization