NDIA First Coast's "Amazing Grace" Defense Symposium
2/25/2020 - 2/26/2020 7:00am - 6:00pm
Lexington Hotel and Conference Center
1515 Prudential Dr
Jacksonville,  FL  32207
Event Type : Symposium
Event Code : 167
"Providing Superior Support to the Warfighter"
This gathering of Government, Industry, and Academia is inspired by Rear Admiral Grace Hopper who is deservedly referred to as "Amazing Grace" for her trailblazing innovations.
RADM Grace Hopper (1906 – 1992)—"Admiral of the Cyber Sea," Mathematician, Military Leader, Computer Programmer—was honored with a variety of awards such as the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the National Medal of Technology and Innovation, and more. RADM Hopper was the first woman to receive America's highest technology award as an individual, which recognized her as a computer pioneer who spent half of a century helping to keep America on the leading edge of high technology.
For more information and to register, please visit:
Registration - https://www.cvent.com/events/2020-amazing-grace-defense-symposium/event-summary-94f6191359834768b33abd69e1992aee.aspx
Event Background - http://www.ndiaamazinggrace.com
Contact - brettulander@bluedrop.com
*Please note: This event is open to the press.