Secretary of the Navy Breakfast Panel

  • 1/24/2020
  • LMI
    7940 Jones Branch Dr
    Tysons,  VA  22102
  • Event Type : Conference
    Event Code : 099B


Join us for a breakfast panel with Department of the Navy Leadership to discuss topics such as Education for Seapower, Information Management, Naval Integration, and current reform efforts.

This event is an opportunity for Acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas B. Modly to discuss his priorities for the Department with members of the defense industry and defense media. He will be joined by Department of the Navy Chief Learning Officer John Kroger and Chief Information Officer Aaron Weiss to discuss the Department’s ongoing education and cyber initiatives as they relate to industry.

The panel will discuss the education reforms being initiated to better train sailors and officers to face the increasing military capability posed by near-peer competitors and to fight complex, high-end wars, as described in the Education for Seapower final report.

Russia, China and non-state terrorist organizations can today more easily field advanced weapons systems, and there is real concern that the technological advantages long enjoyed by U.S. forces in the battlespace is eroding.

*Please note: This event is open to the press.



Kimberly Williams
(703) 247-2578

Topics: Navy News