*Note: This 2019 symposium agenda has been extended from previous symposiums. It will now start at 8:00 am on Tuesday, August 6 and conclude 12:00 pm on Thursday, August 8. *
*Note: This 2019 symposium agenda has been extended from previous symposiums. It will now start at 8:00 am on Tuesday, August 6 and conclude 12:00 pm on Thursday, August 8. *
Featured Keynote Speaker
Michael Cardash, Former Commander, Israeli National Police Bomb Squad
EOD Warrior Foundation Update
Nichole Motsek, Executive Director
United States Bomb Technicians Association (USBTA)
Combating Terrorism Technical Suport Office (CTTSO) Brief to Industry
Dr. Edward Bundy
Program Manager, Improvised Defeat/Explosives Countermeasures, Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office (CTTSO)
Long Wave IR (LWIR) Polarization Combined with Reflective Band Camera for Enhanced Detection and Identification of Surface Hazards in Cluttered Scenes
Dr. Francis Pantuso
Research Advisor, U.S. Army Futures Command NVESD
Possible Effects of Wall Reflections on the Blast Overpressure Threat to Bomb Technicians– Measurement & Analytical Tools
Dr. Jean-Philippe Dionne
Director, Research Engineering, Med-Eng
Please check our downloadable agenda located at the top of this page for a full listing of all of our breakout sessions.
*Note: This 2019 symposium agenda has been extended from previous symposiums. It will now start at 8:00 am on Tuesday, August 6 and conclude 12:00 pm on Thursday, August 8. *
Congressional Perspective Keynote
Col Wes Hallman, USAF
SVP, Policy, National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA)
Geneva Internation Centre for Humaniarian Demining Brief
Rory Logan
Advisor, Strategic Management & IMAS Review Board Secretary, Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD)
Unmanned System (UxS) IPT and Engineering Precepts for Safe Autonomy
Jeff Fornoff
Weapon System Explosives Safety Review Board (WSESRB) SME for VLS, UxS, DEW, and Ground Weapon Systems
Explosion Chamber For Confinement of Ammunition Destruction: Design Rules and Applications
Jerome Mespoulet
Shock-Physics Expert, Thiot Ingenierie
NCTR: Blast Overpressure
Dr. Cathy Aimone-Martin, President, Aimone-Martin Associates, LLC
EOD Warrior Foundation Employment Transition Workshop
MG Randy Manner, USA (Ret), Executive Leadership Coach)
Please see our downloadable agenda located at the top of this page for a full listing of all of the breakout sessions.
*Note: This 2019 symposium agenda has been extended from previous symposiums. It will now start at 8:00 am on Tuesday, August 6 and conclude 12:00 pm on Thursday, August 8. *
Army Requirements Panel
USMC Requirements Panel
Maj Jason Perry
Commanding Officer, Marine Corps Detachment Indian Head
Navy Requirments Panel
USAF Requirements Panel
COL Laurie Richter
Chief of Staff, 12th Air Force (AFSOUTH)