Webinar: ITAR 126.4 Exemption Expansion & Benefits to Exporters

  • 8/22/2019 2:00 - 3:00 pm EDT
  • Event Type : Webinar
    Event Code :


The National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA), in conjunction with Torres Law, PLLC and Defense Trade Solutions, is proud to announce ITAR Compliant: Industry Tools to Effectively Operate Within the International Market, a new webinar series dedicated to international and regulatory trade policy.

On April 19, 2019, the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) reformed language to the ITAR's 126.4 Exemption for exports conducted by or for the U.S. Government. This reform substantially expands the authority with which exporters can transfer defense articles, technical data, or defense services without a license. The amended language greatly increases the speed and agility with which exporters can support the U.S. Government and contract for security assistance and security cooperation programs.

This free first webinar pilot, Exporting By or For the U.S. Government: ITAR 126.4 Exemption Expansion and Benefits to Exporters, will walk you through the expanded 126.4 Exemption language as stated in the regulations, agency issued guidance, and best practices to maximize your ability to leverage the exemption while mitigating program pitfalls and schedule delays.

This webinar will cover a variety of topics:

  • DDTC basics and regulatory requirements when using the ITAR 126.4 Exemption
  • Comparison between the "old" and "new" ITAR 126.4 language
  • Recordkeeping & Reporting Requirements when using ITAR 126.4
  • Compliance risks associated with using ITAR Exemptions, specifically ITAR 126.4
  • Best practices on when to use the ITAR 126.4 Exemption
  • Case study examples on effective ITAR 126.4 Exemption use
  • Gaps in ITAR 126.4 Exemption coverage

Click here to register! 

If you have any questions, please contact Christian Larsen, Legislative Research Associate, at clarsen@NDIA.org.

Christian Larsen
Legislative Research Associate
(703) 247-2584

