SLAAD Division Executive Committee Meeting and SLAAD Division General Session
The John Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory will be hosting the annual SLAAD Division and Executive Committee, taking place on Wednesday, July 10 in Building 13, Fourth Floor.
This event is open to members of the Executive Committee and those interested in SLAAD Division activities or want to join the SLAAD Division. More information about the SLAAD division can be found on the SLAAD division web page.
Security Clearance
The SLAAD General Session is a classified event. All attendees must submit a JPAS by Monday, July 1, 2019. For more information, please see the Symposium Security page.
Attendees must register for this event. Attendees can register in one of two ways;
1. Select as an addition to your IAMD Symposium registration
2. To ONLY attend the SLAAD Division Meeting, select “SLAAD Division” from the drop down box under Registration type.
Please visit the registration page to register.
For more information, please contact Alissa Meehan at