Sponsorship Opportunities
Maximize your organization’s participation and visibility at the 20th Annual Science & Engineering Technology Conference through a sponsorship package. For more information to purchase a sponsorship, or if you have an idea to customize a sponsorship package, contact Britt Sullivan, bsullivan@ndia.org, 703-298-1514.
Click here to view a PDF version of the sponsorship menu.
Investment: $9,500 (Limited to one sponsor)
Benefits Include:
- Four complimentary full conference registrations
- Sponsor logo and link on event website
- Sponsor logo on promotional signage at event
- Recognition of sponsor logo on presentation slide in general session
- Sponsor logo included in e-mail prior to event
- Podium recognition by NDIA during opening general session
- Full page ad in conference program
- Sponsor ribbon on company conference badges
- One table top display space
- Notepads and pens (or other branded item) with sponsor logo distributed for opening general session**
Investment: $7,000 (Limited to two sponsors)
Benefits Include:
- Two complimentary full conference registrations
- Sponsor logo and link on event website
- Sponsor logo on promotional signage at event
- Recognition of sponsor logo on presentation slide in general session
- Sponsor logo included in e-mail prior to event
- Podium recognition by NDIA during opening general session
- Half page ad in conference program
- One table top display space
- Sponsor ribbon on company conference badges
Investment: $3,500 (Limited to one sponsor) SOLD
Benefits Include:
- One complimentary full conference registration
- Sponsor logo and link on event website
- Sponsor logo on promotional signage at onsite registration
- Recognition of sponsor logo on presentation slide in general session
- Sponsor logo included in e-mail prior to event
- Sponsor logo on registration website
- Podium recognition by NDIA during opening general session
- Sponsor banner with logo on registration confirmation e-mail sent to all attendees
- Quarter page ad in conference program
- Sponsor ribbon on company conference badges
- Lanyards with sponsor name/logo, distributed at onsite registration**
Investment: $2,500 (Limited to one sponsor)
Benefits Include:
- One complimentary full conference registration
- Opportunity to distribute branded item and/or marketing materials on shuttle to classified session
- Opportunity to show promotional video on shuttle to classified session
- Sponsor logo and link on event website
- Sponsor log on promotional signage at event
- Recognition of sponsor logo on presentation slide in general session
- Sponsor logo included in e-mail to attendees prior to event
- Podium recognition by NDIA during opening general session
- Quarter page ad in conference program
- Sponsor ribbon on company conference badges
Investment: $1,500 (Limited to three sponsors)
Benefits Include:
- One complimentary full conference registration
- Sponsor logo and link on event website
- Sponsor logo in conference program
- Sponsor logo on promotional signage at event
- Recognition of sponsor logo on presentation slide in general session
- Sponsor logo included in e-mail to attendees prior to event
- Podium recognition by NDIA during opening general session
- Sponsor ribbon on company conference badges
**Sponsor is responsible for production and timely delivery of item. NDIA can provide the item for an additional fee.
Deadline for inclusion in conference materials is March 15, 2019.