Security Clearance

The third day of this conference is classified at the Secret U.S. Level. All attendees must be U.S. Citizens holding a secret clearance or higher. 

Security Clearances are now being accepted.  The deadline to submit your paperwork for security clearance is Monday, March 25, 2019.  Please be sure to only submit for one day - Thursday April 4.

All visit requests will be submitted via the Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS). Conference attendees should coordinate VAR submission with their respective SecurityManager/Facility Security Officer as appropriate. This should include:

 SSC Pacific SMO Code 660015
Attn: NDIA SET Conference
Security POC:

Marilou Aguilar 
(619) 553-3205
Note: If you are having issues submitting your paperwork, please contact Ms. Aguilar via her e-mail address, above.

Nikki Lightfoot
(619) 553-4619

Note: Please ensure that you provide your full legal middle name and that your company is the same as what will show with your JPAS. Please also make sure to enter the correct dates and year. Your clearance will not be approved if there is a mismatch. 

As per recent CNIC naval message, NAVSHORE 004/16, individuals who present a state issued driver’s license from Minnesota, Illinois, Missouri, New Mexico, Washington, and identification cards from American Samoa will not be accepted.  Individuals who do present credentials from one of the above named states or territories must provide a second form of identification or they will not be granted access to base.

Attendees will not be allowed to take briefcases, bags, electronic devices, or other personal property into auditoriums excluding woman’s handbags; however, handbags will be inspected upon entry into all sessions. An electronic device is defined to include cell phones, two-way radios, AM/FM radios, personal digital assistants (PDAs) such as tablets, palm pilots, Fitbits, Smart Watches, and blackberries; laptop computers; cameras; video/audio recording equipment, pagers, or any other transmitting device.