CAPT Stephen Mack

Commander, Submarine Development Five
2019 Undersea Warfare Technology Spring Conference

Captain Steve Mack, attended the University of New Mexico earning a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering. He was selected for the Submarine Scholarship Program at Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory, earning a Masters of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering and a Post Masters Certificate for Advanced Study in signal processing.

His sea duty assignments include Division Officer onboard USS ALASKA (GOLD) for five strategic deterrent patrols, Navigator onboard USS MEMPHIS for two North Atlantic deployments, and Executive Officer onboard USS VIRGINIA for her maiden deployment. Following his Department Head tour, he was selected as the first U.S. Submariner to attend the U.K. Submarine Command Course – ‘Perisher’. He commanded USS HAWAII (SSN 776) with the ship completing two Western Pacific deployments and earning the Battle Efficiency ‘E’ for 2010 and 2012.

His shore assignments include Naval Submarine School, Groton, CT; Exchange Officer at the Submarine Headquarters at HMAS STIRLING, Western Australia; Deputy for Operations at Submarine Squadron SEVEN; and Submarine Squadron ONE; COMSUBPAC Prospective Commanding Officer Instructor; and USPACOM Current Operations (J33).

Captain Mack’s personal awards include the Defense Superior Service Medal, the Legion of Merit (three awards), the Meritorious Service Medal (two awards), the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (five awards), and the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (four awards). He is most proud of the unit awards earned by the outstanding teams with which he has been privileged to serve.