Sponsorship Opportunities
Maximize your organization’s participation and visibility at the Expeditionary Warfare Division Annual Meeting through a sponsorship package. For more information, to purchase a sponsorship, or if you have an idea to customize a sponsorship package, contact Andrea Lane, alane@ndia.org, 703-247-2554.
A PDF version of the sponsorship opportunities can be found here.
Premier - SOLD!
Investment: $2,500 (Limited to one sponsor)
Benefits include:
- Sponsor logo and link on event website
- Sponsor logo in onsite agenda
- Recognition of sponsor logo on presentation slide in general session
- Sponsor logo included in eBlast prior to event
- Four complimentary event registrations
- Two reserved seats at head table with speaker
- Podium recognition by NDIA during welcome remarks
- Opportunity to distribute promotional literature or item to each seat (Sponsor is responsible for production and timely delivery of item. NDIA can provide the item for an additional fee)
Small Business* Partner
Investment: $500 (available to five sponsors)
Benefits include:
- Sponsor logo and link on event website
- Sponsor logo in onsite agenda
- Recognition of sponsor logo on presentation slide in general session
- Sponsor logo included in eBlast prior to event
- One complimentary event registration
- Podium recognition by NDIA during welcome remarks