Rear Adm. Moises DelToro III, grew up in South Bend, Indiana and enlisted in the Navy in 1980. He was commissioned via the University of Utah Navy ROTC program in 1987 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. Additionally, he holds Master’s degrees in Engineering Management from the Catholic University and Resourcing National Security Strategy from the Industrial College of the Armed Forces.
Prior to command, his sea tours included assignments as a division aboard USS Pittsburgh (SSN 720); engineer officer aboard USS Maine (SSBN 741 Blue), and executive officer aboard USS Salt Lake City (SSN 716), deploying to the Mediterranean, North Atlantic and Western Pacific, as well as conducting several strategic deterrent patrols.
Ashore he served as Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate program manager at Navy Recruiting Command, Action Officer on the Joint Staff (J-8), and Non-nuclear Enlisted Community Manager at the Bureau of Personnel. DelToro commanded the USS Rhode Island (SSBN 740 Blue) from March 2005 to March 2008. During this period, the ship was awarded two Battle Efficiency Awards for operational excellence and three Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic Fleet Retention Excellence Awards.
Following command, DelToro served as Executive Assistant to the Director, Submarine Warfare (N-97) for one year and then entered the Acquisition Professional Community in 2009, serving in a number of Assistant Program Manager positions. DelToro served as the Program Manager for Undersea Defensive Warfare Systems from December 2011 to April 2015. During this period the program was awarded a Secretary of the Navy Excellence in Acquisition Award and a Coalition for Government Procurement Excellence in Partnership Award. He was the recipient of the 2013 Naval Submarine League’s Vice Admiral J. Guy Reynolds Award for Excellence in Submarine Acquisition.
His awards include the Legion of Merit (two awards), Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (two awards), and various other personal, campaign, and unit awards.

RDML Moises DelToro, USN
Naval Undersea Warfare Center
2018 Joint Undersea Warfare Technology Fall Conference
2018 Joint Undersea Warfare Technology Fall Conference