RADM David Hahn, USN
Office of Naval Research
Chief of Naval Research
Chief of Naval Research
2018 Joint Undersea Warfare Technology Fall Conference
2018 Joint Undersea Warfare Technology Fall Conference
A native of Tampa, Florida, Rear Adm. David Hahn graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy with distinction in 1985, earning a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. Additionally, he holds a Master of Business Administration from George Mason University and has completed the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Seminar XXI program in International Security Affairs.Prior to command, he served at sea aboard USS Casimir Pulaski (SSBN 633), USS William H. Bates (SSN 680) and USS Springfield (SSN 761), deploying to the North Atlantic and Western Pacific, as well as conducting several strategic deterrent patrols.
Ashore, he served as flag lieutenant to superintendent, U.S. Naval Academy; squadron engineer, Submarine Development Squadron (SUBDEVRON) 12; action officer, Joint Staff in the Command, Control, Communications and Computers (C4) Directorate; and legislative fellow on the staff of U.S. Senator John Warner.
Hahn commanded the USS Pittsburgh (SSN 720) from September 2003 to January 2007. In command, he deployed to the Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean and conducted an Engineered Overhaul in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
Since becoming an acquisition professional in 2007, he has served as Joint Test and Evaluation test director and program manager, Advanced Submarine Research and Development and served as major program manager, Submarine Combat and Weapon Control Systems program.
Hahn’s first flag assignment was as the senior technical advisor to the deputy chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare/director of Naval Intelligence (OPNAV N2/N6).In November of 2016, he became the 26th chief of Naval Research with concurrent flag responsibilities as director, Innovation Technology Requirements and Test & Evaluation (OPNAV N94).
Hahn has been awarded the Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal (three awards), the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (four awards), the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal and various campaign and unit awards.