RADM Daryl Caudle, USN
Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet
2018 Joint Undersea Warfare Technology Fall Conference
2018 Joint Undersea Warfare Technology Fall Conference
Rear Adm. Daryl Caudle is a native of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and graduated from North Carolina State University (magna cum laude) in 1985, where he majored in chemical engineering. He was commissioned after attending Officer Candidate School in Newport, Rhode Island. Caudle holds advanced degrees from the Naval Postgraduate School, Master of Science (distinction) in Physics from Old Dominion University, masters in engineering management and from the School of Advanced Studies, University of Phoenix, where he obtained his Doctor of Management in Organizational Leadership with a specialization in Information Systems and Technology.His doctoral dissertation research was conducted on military decision making uncertainty regarding the use of force in cyberspace. He is also a licensed professional engineer.
His early sea tours included assignments as division officer, USS George Washington Carver (SSBN 656G); engineer, USS Stonewall Jackson (SSN 634B); engineer, USS Sand Lance (SSN 660); and executive officer, USS Montpelier (SSN 765).
Caudle's first command assignment was as commanding officer of USS Jefferson City (SSN 759). As the deputy commander, Submarine Squadron 11, he served as commanding officer of USS Topeka (SSN 754) and USS Helena (SSN 725) due to emergent losses of the normally assigned commanding officers. He also commanded Submarine Squadron 3.
Tours ashore include assignments as assistant force nuclear power officer, Commander Submarine Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet; officer-in-charge of Moored Training Ship (MTS635); deputy commander, Submarine Squadron 11; assistant deputy director for information and cyberspace policy on the Joint Staff (J5, strategic plans and policy) in Washington, D.C.; and chief of staff Commander Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet.
His other flag assignments include deputy chief for security cooperation, Office of the Defense Representative, Pakistan and deputy commander, Joint Functional Component Command-Global Strike.
Caudle is currently serving as commander, Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet. He is the principal advisor to the Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet for submarine matters. Prior to this assignment, he was deputy commander, U.S. 6th Fleet; director of operations U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa; and commander, Submarine Group 8.
His personal decorations include the Defense Superior Service Medal (three awards), Legion of Merit (three Awards), Meritorious Service Medal (three Awards), Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (five Awards), and the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (four Awards).