John Johns
Chief Executive Officer
DLA Land & Maritime Supplier Conference & Exposition
In his current positions, he manages investment in, and operations of, Defense and Domestic Security companies focused on securing critical supply chains and operationalizing disruptive technologies.
In his most recent past position with the U.S. Government, he served 7 years as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Maintenance where he was responsible for oversight of the Department’s annual $80 billion weapon system maintenance program.
He has deployed twice in support of security operations. In 2013 and 2014, he served in Afghanistan as Executive Director for Afghan National Security Forces Sustainment, International Security Assistance Force, and in 2010, Mr. Johns served in Iraq as Director, Training and Advisory Mission, Iraqi Ministry of Defense, and Director, Iraqi Security Forces Logistics.
In past assignments, Mr. Johns has served the Army and Navy in technology development, engineering, program management, and logistics positions. In executive positions with the Army, he was responsible for the provision of engineering support to all Army Aviation systems, lifecycle management of over 20 Army aviation, missile, and ground systems with an annual budget of approximately $1 billion, and management of overhaul and maintenance of all aviation and missile systems redeployed from Iraq and Afghanistan. With the Navy, he served as the Director of Industrial Operations, Naval Air Systems Command, and Deputy Commander of Fleet Readiness Centers, Naval Air Forces where he was responsible for Naval Aviation maintenance operations across six subordinate commands, with a workforce of over 14,000 personnel and an operating budget of approximately $4 billion/year, and oversaw annual maintenance and repair of over 600 aircraft, 7,500 engines and modules, and 500,000 components and support equipment.
And recently with Northrop Grumman, he has enabled corporate capability development, growth, and profitability across a full spectrum of Defense, Civil, and International programs.
Mr. Johns holds a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering from Penn State University and a Master's in Aeronautics and Astronautics from Purdue. He is also a graduate of the National Security Management Program, National Defense University and the National and International Security Program, Harvard Kennedy School.