Undersea Warfare Threat Industry Day

1/25/2018 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Event Type : Conference
Event Code : 8103
The Undersea Warfare Threat Industry Day will go on as schedule on Thursday, January 25th.
This event is open to U.S. Citizens only who possess at least a Secret Clearance. The event is SECRET/NOFORN. Attendees must be affiliated with U.S. Companies.
The Undersea Warfare (USW) Industry Threat Day is intended to update the US USW community on potential adversary USW advances and relevant technology trends to help ensure continued US superiority in this critical warfare domain. This event should help USW performers better understand threats to the systems and platforms being developed and delivered. Recent submarine operations will be reviewed to illustrate potential adversary intent and capabilities.
No electronics will be allowed in the auditorium or classrooms. This includes fitness trackers.