Automatic Test Committee


The Automatic Test Division (ATC) was formed in the mid-70s as a result of a senior Navy study on automated test (Marcy Repot), with the formation of the Ad Hoc ATE Project for the U.S. Navy. This grew into the Joint Services ATE Project in the early 80s, and finally to the ATC as we know it today. The ATC is represented by more than 50 companies and organizations and has grown to be the premier advisor to the DoD on matters of automatic test. We have served as the Industry advisors to the DoD Automatic Test Equipment Management Board (AMB), thus enabling broad-based Industry input to the planning process and facilitating first-hand feedback from the DoD user community.

The ATC is organized to support DoD AMB activities and initiatives. The Liaison organization maintains close contact with its DoD counterparts and reports current initiatives, projects and issues from each military service and industry. The Projects organization performs the studies, conducts the workshops and creates the reports that provide formal industry feedback to DoD inquires and tasks. When required, Working Groups are formed, drawing upon the Members-At-Large and other interested parties. The Integrated Family of Test Equipment User Group (IFTE User Group) and the Consolidated Automated Support System Test Program Set Group (CASS TPSG) are two very successful Working Groups that focused on specific ATE applications in the realm of the two approved DoD Automatic Test Systems.

The ATC meets four times a year, and its working groups meet as necessary. The ATC is closely aligned with the IEEE AUTOTESTCON, which is the premier Technical Conference & Trade Show devoted solely to Automatic Test with the Military, and one of our regular meetings is always held the Sunday prior to AUTOTESTCON. The ATC has an annual award, the John Slattery Memorial Award for engineering excellence, customer focus, and exceptions integrity in the ATC field. This award is presented as part of the AUTOTESTCON awards ceremonies.

Committee Chair & Co-Vice Chairs

Dr. Pat Griffin

Mr. Howard Savage
Co-Vice Chair

Mr. Tim Stanley
Co-Vice Chair
CACI Enterprise Solutions

Automatic Test Committee