
Integrated Precision Warfare Review (IPWR)

The Integrated Precision Warfare Review (IPWR) is a SECRET//NOFORN conference held annually in the early Spring in the Greater DC-area that focuses on national-level strategy, policy, guidance, and funding priorities as they pertain to precision strike, as well as the current and assessed near-future state of competitor nations and potential adversaries through intelligence briefings. Additionally, IPWR is an event where truly tough issues are tackled, including acquisition reform (success stories to learn by as well as failures and proposed solutions), adversarial technological breakouts (what we can learn from the successes of our potential adversaries and how we can catch up), shortening the development cycle (risk-informed decision-making), and many other topics.

IPWR provides context for the precision strike community by inviting speakers at the top of government leadership to explain the “so-whats” of top-level guidance such as the National Security Strategy, National Defense Strategy, National Military Strategy, Nuclear Posture Review, Missile Defense Review, National Defense Authorization Act, and other related guiding policies and guides. IPRW has featured esteemed speakers from leadership positions including the Secretary of Defense, the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Combatant Commanders, and members of Congress.

Precision Strike Technology Symposium (PSTS)

The Precision Strike Technical Symposium (PSTS) is a SECRET//NOFORN event held annually in the autumn in the Greater DC-area that focuses on the tactical and technological challenges faced by our warfighters and the industry. PSTS topics include current warfighting challenges and environment, pioneering technologies from the DoD Service and National laboratories, novel strategies and concepts from Industry thought leaders, and a range of other time-relevant subjects presented by a broad selection of organizations.

PSTS is contextualized through high-level leadership keynote speakers, such as 4-Star General/Flag Officers, Members of Congress, and Industry leadership, as well as through timely intelligence- and warfighter-based threat briefs throughout the Symposium. Guided by the topics concerning top leadership, the PSTS is built around a foundation of technical briefs that showcase the up-and-coming capabilities and enabling technologies that will enable solutions to the issues the warfighter is facing today. These briefings provide value to the Services and the Industry and often inspire new collaborations and novel ways to utilize these capabilities. While the agenda is tailored year by year to be up-to-the-minute relevant, regular technology families showcased include hypersonics, electronic warfare, and guided missiles.