
The Small Arms Committee of the Armaments Division is dedicated to insuring that the U.S. Military Men and Women have the weapons they need for direct use on the battlefield. The Small Arms family of weapons extends from self-defense handguns to offensive, longer-ranged, crew-served systems. Through continuous interchange of information in regularly scheduled conferences and direct assistance to users and suppliers alike, the Committee insures the continued improvement of the weapons themselves along with their associated ammunition and support devices. The Committee's primary concentrations are individual and crew-served weapons, ammunition, ancillary support equipment, training devices, and new technology.

Topics: Armaments, Small Arms

NDIA Contact

For more information about this group, please contact:

George Webster
Associate Director, Divisions
Phone: (703) 247-9493
E-mail: gwebster@NDIA.org

Division Contact

Dan Shea
Phoenix Defense, LLC
Phone: 703-208-9735
E-mail: dan@phoenixdefense.com

Policy Contact