
The Guns, Ammunition, Rockets & Missiles Committee promotes the exchange of program plans, system descriptions, and technical approaches for present and future gun systems greater than Cal 0.50. The term "Gun System" includes guns, feed systems, ammunition and associated fuzes, fire control, and platform integration. The Committee strives to provide the forum for users, program managers, developers, and producers throughout the U.S. and international industrial and government communities.

Topics: Armaments, Ammunition, Gun and Missile, Guns, Rockets Missiles, Missile Defense, Missiles

NDIA Contact

For more information about this group, please contact:

George Webster
Associate Director, Divisions
Phone: (703) 247-9493
E-mail: gwebster@NDIA.org

Division Contact

Mr. Matt Eckel
Spectra Technologies LLC
E-mail: meckel@spectra-tech.net

Policy Contact