Aberdeen Proving Ground Chapter
- Chris Carr
- ccarr@tenaxtech.com
Founded: 1944 |Aberdeen Proving Ground , MD
Located at the historic Aberdeen Proving Ground the chapter has a history almost as old as the history of the Proving Ground itself. The mission of the APG chapter is to support its members. Membership defines the needs and goals of this chapter through networking, sharing of information and socializing in positive and enriching environments.
Central Florida Chapter
- Tara Kilcullen-Oliva
- ZYGOS Consulting
- tarakilcullen1@gmail.com
Founded: 1994 |Orlando , FL
Meeting in the Orlando area, the Central Florida Chapter supports the programs and activities of the national association; provides a means for liaison with and for local government agencies and personnel; encourages and facilitates exchanges of information between industry and government, with particular reference to national security, defense preparedness and Modeling & Simulation.
Central Georgia Chapter
- Lisa Fruge
- BAE Systems
- lisa.fruge@baesystems.com
Founded: 2020 |Warner Robins , GA
Central Georgia's mission is to develop a healthy and secure national security technology and innovation base that includes, government, academia, traditional and non-traditional defense partners. We seek to promote technological advantage over adversaries but require changes in industry, culture, investment and protection across national security innovation base.
Delaware Valley Chapter
- Roby Lentz
- Delphinus Engineering
- rlentz@delphinus.com
Founded: 1926 |Philadelphia , PA
The Delaware Valley Chapter of the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) consists of approximately 1300 members representing leading organizations in the greater Philadelphia region that support the defense industrial base. The chapter is committed to support the programs and activities of NDIA, provide a means for liaison with local government agencies and personnel, and encourage and facilitate the development of the national defense industrial base within the region. Our programs foster the exchange of information between industry and government with particular reference to national security.
Upcoming Events: 05/07/2025| NDIA Delaware Valley Rotorcraft Conference
First Coast Chapter
- Jennifer Otero
- Andromeda Systems, Inc.
- jennifer.otero@androsysinc.com
Founded: 2017 |Jacksonville , FL
NDIA First Coast Chapter was formed to create a local networking platform for its' 385+ members (individual and industry) in Northeast Florida, Northern Central Florida and Southeast Georgia. Northeast Florida’s strong military presence has a significant economic impact on the region that provides stability and diversity within the local community. Area military installations such as Naval Air Station Jacksonville, Naval Station Mayport, Kings Bay Naval Base, Camp Blanding Joint Training Center, Naval Aviation Depot Jacksonville and Marine Corps Blount Island Command provide employment to more than 50,000 active duty, reserve and civilian men and women. The FC Chapter boundaries also includes other government installations geographic areas such as Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield to the North, Moody AFB to the Northwest, Camp Blanding, Florida Army and Air National Guard in St. Augustine, and the Gainesville and Cedar Key.
Great Lakes Chapter
- Nicholas A. Cucci
- Astronics Corporation
- nick.cucci@astronics.com
Founded: 2009 |Rockton , IL
There are currently over 300 organizations consisting of more than 1180 active NDIA members in the Great Lakes Chapter, covering northeast Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiana. Join us and take advantage of everything the NDIA Great Lakes Chapter has to offer.
Upcoming Events: 05/14/2025| NDIA Great Lakes Midwest Conference
Great Rivers Chapter
- Christopher Hollars
- MRIGlobal
- chollars@mriglobal.org
Founded: 1927 |Rolla , MO
The NDIA Great Rivers Chapter (formerly the St Louis Chapter) was instituted in January 1928 when the organization was still the Army Ordnance Association and remained an active partner through the 1990s. It was reformed 81 years later in January 2009 based on the recognition of the growth of the “industrial base”, the defense and homeland security industries in Missouri.
Greater Indiana Chapter
- Christine Jeffers
- Indiana Economic Development Corporation
- cjeffers@iedc.in.gov
Founded: 1981 |Indianapolis , IN
This chapter presently does not have a website. For more information about chapter activities contact the Chapter President.
Greater Los Angeles Chapter
- Donald Wussler
- Systems Planning and Analysis, Inc.
- dwussler@spa.com
Founded: 1936 |El Segundo , CA
NDIA Greater Los Angeles Chapter is focused on supporting the US Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center at the Air Force Base in El Segundo, California. The chapter welcomes new members who are interested in contributing to the ethical exchange of relevant technology and policy information through workshops, panel discussions and our support of ROTC and STEM programs.
Greater New York-Connecticut Chapter
- Ken Nevor
- Senior Executive Service
- knevor@aol.com
Founded: 1921 |Islip , NY
The Greater New York-Connecticut Chapter represents over 2,900 individuals and 90 firms working and living in New York and Connecticut who harbor a singular focus on supporting America's warfighters and those of her Allies. We are glad you are here.